November Is Here
Happy Thanksgiving!
A reminder: The Library will be closed on Saturday November 11 for Veteran’s Day and on Thursday November 23 for Thanksgiving Day.
There is a plethora of new displays posted all around the library. Take a look and see what might strike your fancy or inspire you!
There is a display honoring all of our Veterans. Please look over all of the different books and movies to mark and commemorate their sacrifices. Thank you to all Veterans who have served and to all service members serving currently. Your community appreciates all that you do.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! There are books for prepping the big meal, picture books for the children to learn about Thanksgiving, and books on the history of the holiday to get you in the mood. If you’re feeling frazzled about getting ready for Turkey Day, be sure to check it out and see if there’s anything there that might reduce the anxiety. Gobble, gobble!
Christmas is also fast approaching (and encroaching on Thanksgiving as some might say) so there are already some novels, prep books, movies, and more to get ready for the holiday season. Be sure to check out what’s there and be inspired to get into the Winter Reading mood. There are going to be mugs and bags for those who participate in the program. Look for further details soon.
It is the annual challenge to see if it is possible to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 Days. November is National Novel Writing Month, NANOWRIMO for short. Are you up to the challenge? If you write approximately 1,666 words a day for the entire month, you just might be able to pull it off. There is a display with some helpful writing advice books and published novels that had their beginnings in this writing frenzy to provide some inspiration. You just might manage to write the next Great American Novel! Get writing!
If you’d like to immerse yourself in an audiobook instead, there are some memoirs and biographies to choose from in a new display. They have the likes of Alan Alda of M*A*S*H fame and Bob Newhart, read by the authors themselves.
This month’s Staff Pick is Leonardo Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson, a biography of perhaps one of the world’s greatest artists and inventors. It’s an in-depth look and exploration of Da Vinci’s life and the world he inhabited. It also includes some fantastic illustrations capturing the great artist’s work.